
Learn the Final 8th process to meet your Inner Selves. Harvest your unique intelligences to reach your full potential in work and life. Kick off your embodied adventure of a lifetime.

As Quoted In
The powerful secret? Not all of you wants what you think you want—and for good reason! The Final 8th is a life-changing adventure of discovering your alter egos and their wild wisdom.

Failing in sight of victory
is the worst

Most of us endure a bout of paralysis at some time in our lives, from choosing a career, to finding a mate, to improving finances, to loving ourselves. Being stuck when you’re so close to success is a distinct phenomenon I call the Final 8th, and everything going before it, the first 7/8th. Talented, motivated goal-getters can get stuck on the way to a cherished aspiration—it happens to CEOs, parents, students, teachers, doctors, dancers, techies, and retirees. The Final 8th coaches you how to meet your inner selves and discover their competing agendas and reveal their secret and powerful intentions and distorted loyalties that can lock us into a double bind. Let the adventure, and healing, begin!


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Dialogue with your different sub-personalities
to learn their wisdom and concerns
Out of an estimated 275 million people who suffer from anxiety—that’s 4% of the global population before the pandemic—how many people get 7/8 of the way to their goal and mysteriously stall in sight of the finish line?

million people suffer from anxiety | World Economic Forum
1 +

of executives often feel exhausted, stressed, overwhelmed, or depressed | Workplace Intelligence
1 %

of people feel stuck personally and professionally | Oracle
1 %

of Americans polled said they’re not happy—a record low | CNN
1 %


What People say About The Final 8th

Jean Houston, PhD

“…Remarkable, potent, and deeply original work that gives us ways to explore and inhabit the gift of safely and creatively living with personas beyond the local ego.”

Beth Stevens
Emmy-winning writer, managing editor of broadway.com

“…If you have an unfinished novel in a drawer, perfect gym attendance for only the first two weeks of January, or any number of incomplete projects weighing you down, this book is for you.”

Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone
authors of Embracing Our Selves

“….With thought-provoking exercises and practical suggestions, she invites you on fascinating and rewarding explorations of your many selves.”

Scott Kellogg, PhD
author of Transformational Chairwork: Using Psychotherapeutic Dialogues in Clinical Practice

“…The Final 8th gives us a way to use all our inner resources and to dramatically improve our lives.”

Adventure Awaits. Order Your Copy!
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